
Library Article: Business, State, and Church

 Church, State, and Market A library examination In all of human history, there have been certain power organizations that have helped restrain or control society. Three very important ones are the State, the Church, and the Private sector. Interestingly, the separation of these three things only occurred a long time later. The concept of a transcendent God meant that Spiritual authority could not be vested in a ruler, except if it came directly from God. The separation of the private sector came later. The progression is fascinating. Let us examine it: 1.       Combined sectors. Originally, each king was a “god-king,” and they controlled their city’s economies, spiritual life, and pretty much everything else. They were the sons of the gods, and all things belonged to them. 2.       God’s system for Israel instituted private property. It also made the Priests and the Kings separate, and often restraining to each other. 3....


 We have determined to put the Midnight Dagger in google search results. As such, we are putting the word "Lenderthrondian" and searching it on google. Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lenderthrondian, Lende...

Election Results

 Hello, everyone. We tallied up the points for the two elections, and here are our winners: First place Mandelbrot: Woodland Majesty Afterwards, the rest of the pictures ranked: A Thousand Golden Lights Carpet An Unexpected Treat Golden Tapestry Nautilus Mini Mandelbrot Elephants Crystal Palace Fractal Repetitions Best Ai image: Waterfall's Throne   Here are the rest ranked: Fight with a Hyena  Phoenix series Serpent-mage series Cherrywood Hickory Cool Forest Torrents of Darkness Lenderthrond Porcupine Artifacts

"Best picture of the year" elections

 Hello everyone! We are having our annual "best picture of the year." This year, we are including two categories: Mandelbrot Set and Ai images. NOTE: Please click on each image to view it fullscreen Here are our top Mandelbrot Images : First, a Thousand Golden Lights Second, Golden Tapestry Third, Woodland Majesty. Fourth, Elephants Fifth, Crystal Palace Sixth, Carpet Seventh, Mini Mandelbrot Eight, Nautilus Ninth, An unexpected treat Tenth, Fractal Repetitions These are the best Mandelbrot Images we have so far. Next up, the AI images. First, the Fight with a Hyena  Second, the Cool Forest   Third, the Waterfall's Throne This was a series of Waterfall's Throne images, and are ranked together. Fourth, the Serpent-mage series Fifth, the Torrents of Darkness Sixth, the Lenderthrond series Seventh, the Phoenix Series Eight, and Finally, Cherrywood Hickory Here is your assignment: Rank the Mandelbrot Images numerically (for example, 2, 3, 1, and 5) and then rank the Ai im...

Happy New Year!

 A mostly happy new year to you!

BREAKING: Tobyland Dinosaurs invades Pirate Island.

 Tobyland Dinosaurs invades Pirate Island. By the Briefcase Recently, we have received a declaration that Tobyland Dinosaurs had invaded Pirate's Island. Now, just to clarify, the declaration didn't say that Tobyland Dinosaurs was invading  Pirate's Island. It didn't say that it started invading  Pirate's Island. The truth is that it had already started last Monday. Now, you may be wondering, "Why haven't I heard anything about this?" Well, to answer that question, it was because all of the news was preoccupied with the Porvalavian Invasion. You see, it turns out from reports that Bear intentional made a big fuss out of this whole Porvalavian Invasion sort of thing as a sort of distraction from the actions of Tobyland Dinosaurs. It also turned out that Eriliniland easily had the military capabilities to push out Porvalavis. Why didn't anybody realize that before, I have no idea. But the moment it was suitable politically, Bear called out his armies...

Notes on the Archin Clans

It is said among inhabitants of Northern Archin Canyon that there are only two sorts of Northern Archins. There are the Northern Archins of the White Banner and the Northern Archins of the Blue Banner, abbreviated henceforth as White and Blue archins. White archins, they say, are the sort that love to live in big fancy white castles with weapons, and who charge into battle in shining armor on a sunny day. Blue Archins, in contrast, are the sort that love to live in big fancy blue castles with weapons, and who charge into battle in shining armor on a rainy day. Other than these things, the main difference between these two sorts is the fact that White archins have a preoccupation with flying things, like griffins, dragons, eagles, and birds, while Blue Archins have a preoccupation with swimming things, like dolphins, whales, and fish. Of course, we know that it isn’t true that these are the only Northern Archins. Such generalizations ignore the existence of grey archins. Such Archi...

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