Happy New Year!

 A mostly happy new year to you!


  1. It is a very happy year. Delightful!

  2. boooooo I want to stay in 1240!!!!

    1. We look FORWARD, not backward. ONWARD TO VICTORY!

    2. Revolutions do no one any good

  3. Mr. Ratastashii the RebelJanuary 6, 2025 at 9:44 PM

    Most-a-lee? Why-a most-a-lee....

  4. The Grand DisturberJanuary 6, 2025 at 9:45 PM

    A mostly happy and especially blessed new year to all of you as well. Or a mostly new year, rather.

  5. Can someone please tell us here why last year were a good one? Or may-bee why last year there weren't so??

  6. This is plainly false. You got the day wrong. Today is not New Year's, New Year's day was 18 days ago.

    1. How are you doing today? and how did you do that? why? when? where? who? tell me! tell me! please!March 5, 2025 at 8:56 AM

      How are you doing today? and how did you do that? why? when? where? who? tell me! tell me! please!pleeeeeeeeeeeese!!!!!!!!

    2. How are you doing today? and how did you do that? why? when? where? who? tell me! tell me! please!pleeeeeeeeeeeese!!!!!!!!How are you doing today? and how did you do that? why? when? where? who? tell me! tell me! please!pleeeeeeeeeeeese!!!!!!!!How are you doing today? and how did you do that? why? when? where? who? tell me! tell me! please!pleeeeeeeeeeeese!!!!!!!!March 5, 2025 at 9:00 AM

      How are you doing today? and how did you do that? why? when? where? who? tell me! tell me! please!pleeeeeeeeeeeese!!!!!!!!tomorrow Tommy will definitely get a 💯💯💯💯💯💯
      on his test

    3. I DID NOT HAVE A TEST!!!! IF I DID, I WOULD NEVER GET A 💯💯💯💯💯💯!!!!!!!

    4. How are you doing today? and how did you do that? why? when? where? who? tell me! tell me! please!pleeeeeeeeeeeese!!!!!!!!How are you doing today? and how did you do that? why? when? where? who? tell me! tell me! please!pleeeeeeeeeeeese!!!!!!!!March 5, 2025 at 9:05 AM

      I said tomorrow

    5. A Completely Fair and Unbiased Observer Who Has Absolutely No Stake In This Situation and is Merely a completely Innocent Bystander, thank you very much.March 9, 2025 at 8:29 PM



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