Election Results

 Hello, everyone. We tallied up the points for the two elections, and here are our winners:

First place Mandelbrot: Woodland Majesty

Afterwards, the rest of the pictures ranked:

A Thousand Golden Lights


An Unexpected Treat

Golden Tapestry


Mini Mandelbrot


Crystal Palace

Fractal Repetitions

Best Ai image: Waterfall's Throne 

Here are the rest ranked:

Fight with a Hyena 

Phoenix series

Serpent-mage series

Cherrywood Hickory

Cool Forest

Torrents of Darkness


Porcupine Artifacts


  1. I knew Waterfalls Throne was going to win

  2. This here's a huge victory against that thar troll, Mister Monkey. Goes ta show that, contrary to Monkey's y'all know it opinion, he ain't AT ALL right about everything under the sun. Or over it, as far as I'm concerned

    1. YOU are a TROLL 🧌👎🧌👎🧌👎🧌👎🧌👎🧌👎🧌👎🧌👎🧌

    2. Silence is a Virtue?January 22, 2025 at 3:44 PM

      That's what they all say... 🙄

    3. Mr. Cock-a-doo Cognotius Emeritus Jr.January 22, 2025 at 3:56 PM

      Oh, poor Monkey. Just as I thought, of course. He has absolutely no power--he is merely a puppet of the powerful president Bear, doing all his unseeming work. So he has no other means than to call opponents by derogatory names, or one name, specifically. You all know what it is, so I'm not going to repeat it. It's pathetically absurd.

    4. alright here it is
      Waterfalls Throne 6 votes more then fight with the hyena
      Fight with the hyena 5 more votes then the Waterfalls Throne
      winner of this tally mark Waterfalls Throne
      though fight with the hyena was so close

  3. THE ELECTION WAS RIGGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!....!
    I did the calculations myself, on pen and paper. By every conceivable means to count the vote, the Fight with the Hyena far outnumbered every single other candidate for election.
    Who is with me? If you are NOT, you are a TROLL.

    1. Calm down Monkey...what you really need is a slice of my famous butter-cockledoodle pie with berry juice and some honey-and-lemon tea. (with Turkey sauce to induce drowsiness, which is good for your health from time to time...)

    2. The Bakish Baker is Toast. 🔪🍴🍞

    3. I'm not toast. It's Monkey who's toast. He has been proven wrong and he needs something to cheer him up and do him some good. Have YOU offered any solution?

    4. Sir Anonymous the ThirdJanuary 22, 2025 at 4:14 PM

      Are you threatening the Baker, Master Chef?

    5. Mr. Sir Anonymous the Third, I do believe that you are some sort of a banana.
      Click this link to see what I do to Bananas: bananas

    6. Sir Anonymous the ThirdJanuary 24, 2025 at 1:57 PM

      Are you threatening me now, Master Chef? Prepare to face your doom.

    7. So you are not a banana. You are a pickle. Prepare to meet thy doom, O most impertinent pickle!
      You may be as sour as a lemon and green as a spinach, but you cannot prevail.
      Away with the pickles!

    8. You seem to be very fond of picking food fights, Mister. Well, NO MORE! I'm petitioning Bear to terminate your contract with the presidential kitchen and to make you do community service for twenty days in the petting zoo if you don't cease and desist immediately. IF ANYONE WANTS TO SIGN THE PETITION, SAY SO, OR ELSE. The domination of the chefs will never return!!

    9. Sir Anonymous the ThirdJanuary 24, 2025 at 2:07 PM

      You are finished, Master Chef. Enough with your nonsense. I might sign it, you know.

    10. I AM SIGNING IT!
      Murdering perfectly good bananas is not a joke. If he wants me to refrain from signing, he must swear allegiance to Bear and Bananas.

    11. Don't you dare come into my Kitchen! I'll toast you with onion stew before I let you in!
      Beware the Banana Dragon!

    12. Thar Be Dragons!

    13. Sammy from CaliforniaMarch 16, 2025 at 10:29 AM

      hey Mr. Monkey, how do you know that the election was rigged

  4. The Completely Fair and Unbiased Observer who has Absolutely No Stake In This Situation and is Just Commenting for Personal ReasonsJanuary 22, 2025 at 3:50 PM

    This was a wonderful decision. To all the naysayers on this site, go to the waterfall's throne and stare in awe at its beauty.

    1. Sir Neville AndrewsonJanuary 22, 2025 at 4:03 PM

      Will it please you, sir, to tell us what exactly these personal reasons may be? Or are they privately personal, and if so, why did you mention that you had personal reasons? Forgive me for the intrusion.

    2. The Completely Fair and Unbiased Observer who has Absolutely No Stake In This Situation and is Just Commenting for Personal Reasons, Reasons of Which are Absolutely None of your Business, Thank You For Asking, and Would You Kindly Please Go Away, I am very Obliged.January 22, 2025 at 4:04 PM

      No. Most Certainly Not.

    The Waterfall's Throne, well known for their touristic advertising, paid the Midnight Dagger thousands of dollars in bribes to promote their products. Of course they will not admit it, but that's the simple truth.
    I am open to being proven wrong. Prove that the Waterfall's Throne did not pay money, and have video and camera evidence to prove it.

    1. Waterfall's Throne Public Relations DepartmentJanuary 22, 2025 at 3:59 PM

      I assure you, we have never paid bribes to the Midnight Dagger. There's simply no evidence.

    2. Of course someone like you would say that. There's absolutely no evidence that the waterfall's throne did *not* pay bribes.

    3. Waterfall's Throne Public Relations DepartmentJanuary 22, 2025 at 4:01 PM

      We are well respected in the international community and would never do such a thing.

  6. Guys, this is ridiculous. All this controversy about whether one picture is better than another? At least the hyena one got second place.
    And, in general, (I'm not talking about anyone in particular) I'm still waiting for an explanation as to what is the entire point of this nonsense? What are the benefits? The savings? The costs? So far, nobody has given me a sufficient answer.


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