
Showing posts with the label Geography

Notes on the Archin Clans

It is said among inhabitants of Northern Archin Canyon that there are only two sorts of Northern Archins. There are the Northern Archins of the White Banner and the Northern Archins of the Blue Banner, abbreviated henceforth as White and Blue archins. White archins, they say, are the sort that love to live in big fancy white castles with weapons, and who charge into battle in shining armor on a sunny day. Blue Archins, in contrast, are the sort that love to live in big fancy blue castles with weapons, and who charge into battle in shining armor on a rainy day. Other than these things, the main difference between these two sorts is the fact that White archins have a preoccupation with flying things, like griffins, dragons, eagles, and birds, while Blue Archins have a preoccupation with swimming things, like dolphins, whales, and fish. Of course, we know that it isn’t true that these are the only Northern Archins. Such generalizations ignore the existence of grey archins. Such Archi...

BREAKING: Porvalavis declares war on Eriliniland

 BREAKING: Porvalavis declares war on Eriliniland By the Briefcase Porvalavis, an island in the Ocean out there somewhere, has officially invaded Eriliniland. They have mobilized their massive forces (about fifty, I believe) and even their reserves, numbering a hundred. Already, they have sailed into Northern Eriliniland, with their pots and spatulas and broomsticks. Porvalavian intelligences are on the spot, figuring out exactly who and why to attack. The Porvalavian Navy also moved into position, "blockading" the entire Northern Military port with Surfboards, Canoes, and Sailboats. This is estimated to have a very extraordinarily moderate impact, since three boats have rammed through the blockade already. Porvalavis has published their military goals: 1. To conquer the entire Eriliniland 2. To control Northern Eriliniland. 3. To control Southern Eriliniland. 4. To capture all Eriliniland cities. 5. To cement their position as a stronger world power than they actually are. P...

Archin Canyon part 3: The Northern Geography

 The North, a fascinating part of the overall canyon, is the part that most call to mind when they think of Archin Canyon. It is mostly mountains and tundra, with a number of dangerous creatures and climates. The first feature we will discuss is the Northern Barrier. This huge mountain range to the North separates Archin Canyon from the Sea between the canyon and Narki Mountain. There are many differing theories as to the origin of this mountain range. The two mainstream ones are either that it was created by great ancient engineers of the past, or that it was naturally formed, and utilized for various purposes. Its main use today is to keep enemies out of the North. Some have noted that Narki still frequent the North, and they conclude that the Barrier is useless. Let me explain why they are wrong. Most Narki cannot travel by day. The Mountain Barrier Range takes a day to reach the top. If the Narki start traveling up the mountains at sunset, by midnight, they will be halfway up. ...

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