Hunter Interviews Fiatauroratale Finitus
In a dark room, lit by flashes of lightning from the thunderbird, with occasional fireflies flying through the walls, Fiatauroratale Finitus sits down with Hunter, the Third Lord of the Admiralty Hunter : Thank you for being with us today, Finitus. Thank you also to all our guests who have come to see this moment. Let us start. Finitus, you said that you, and Wind's Door generally, will not tolerate Thorcernder, not for a moment, even if he ceded the Oceanic Mountains. Finitus : Yes, I believe I said that. Hunter : Do you still stand by that statement? Finitus : Yes, of course. What did you think I would do? What's the point of making a statement in the first place, if you are not going to back it? Hunter : Well, some would call that stance extreme. Finitus : But you don't, Hunter, do you? Hunter : Well... You see... Anyway. That is the topic of another interview. Could you explain your stance to our audience today? Finitus : I prefer not to be attacked on a weekly basis by...